listening blue music would lead you to a sad mood & listening happhy music would enable you as silly as a naughty kitten ,as a matter of fact ,if you are depressed,select a light music disc and put it into the CD set,and after listening for half an hour,you 'll released all your pressure.It comes to the surface that human's feeling is mainly influenced by the surrounding atmosphere,and the nature of medium contacted. Piece of music for marching would encourage solidiers to defeat their enemies,on the other way《 四面楚歌》,令楚霸王軍隊士無鬥志,後來,霸王要烏江自刎,這並不是天要亡他,而是楚歌的力量。現代生活,存在很多壓力, 我們可以用音樂作為一種精神上的抗氧化劑,將壓力化解於無形,這樣我們的生活便充滿陽光,而不是一片片灰色的天空。
So...I have many HipHop songs in my MP3 player, it's '提神佳品'!
Prudence, at 10:38 PM
That's why I like Beatles and Abba, the light and fast beats boost me up!!
Anthrokiki, at 11:30 AM
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