
Monday, January 31, 2005


modern people expend their health for wealth ,when they are young,and expend wealth for health when they are getting old. A good practice of living-pattern could lead to a happy life ,the usually practices are as following;
1.) to drink 3 cups of water in the morning(lungcheng tea preferably)
2.) to eat breakfast with less meat,milk and the associated products
3.) to eat 80% for lunch & dinner,less meat,more vegetable
4.)to do exercise 2 times a week,totally 4 hours
5.) keep away from smoking tobacco and drink too much alcoholic drink
6.)always keep a conscious mind and conscientious heart
7.)delete all the bad files of your mind and save all the good memory
8.)don't expend more than your income ,budget your expense
9.)to read various type of books
10.) every morning is a new good day
in addition to 3.) bring your lunch to work can save your money and incorporating a group of variety food which could improve your nutrition and you could eat more vegetables

Tuesday, January 25, 2005


這套電影看到英雄背後的辛酸,英雄表面風光,骨子裡又是一個故事,往往身不由己,亞歷山大的毋親是一個極大野心的人,為了兒子登位,不惜暗殺丈夫,達成自己心願,使 兒子登上王位,但亞曆卻不認同,形成性格極端,心裡鬥爭,不能平服,這套電影場面偉大、有情節,有深刻人性描述,值得一看。

Sunday, January 23, 2005

香港大學生抑鬱症 之二

偶然間看到一個電視廣告,其內容就是 get that yacht,get that ca..,get that.........and so on and so on,聯想起在七八十年代左右,香港的大學生,對於這些物質,簡直唾手可得,時至今天,時移世易,十年河東,十年河西,世事變幻,才是永恒。 事件 結果確是令人倜倀,事實上這衹是供求定律罷了,君不見在某些先進國家,如美國,法國等等,它們的大學生也很多失業,但他們卻沒有像香港大學生的症狀,原因是他們不是把名利放在最重要位置,不會太過計較得失,香港的大學生也許是与德育教育有所欠缺。 其實知足常樂就是最好的解藥,人生如舞台,有時得意,有時失意,際遇最重要,有千里馬也要有伯樂才能奔馳万里。 數年前曾到濟南一遊,看到趵突泉的游魚,自由自在,浮沈在漣漪間,金黃色的陽光使鱗光化為天上的彩虹,令人忘卻煩塵俗事,親近自然,一樂也,子非魚,怎知魚之樂。 每逢在假期的日子,遊人多起來,他們將一些食物拋向魚兒,魚兒便你爭我奪,非常激烈,須然目標物是數塊餅碎,但牠們自得其樂,小小的禮物,也非常滿足,相信這是魚的哲學,知足常樂,並非我們這些凡塵俗子所能想像的。



reading fiction

someday I read a book which name is the five people you meet in heaven,it is quite a good fiction,people we meet in our life journey is a part of our life,no matter they are close relationship with us or a passenger in a trip,anyway,it is an incident which could not be predicted and planned as oneself's will. With a consicientous mind we go on our life journey without any fear and regret that is the point of the book,perhpaps this quality could not be found for most HK people

Saturday, January 22, 2005

playing harmonica

to all idle people to play harmonica is quite a good way to spare their time,
it is easy to learn ,economy,and easy to carry,most of all, it would refresh one's mind,once you play a new song ,your brain is being refreshed ,on the other hand ,if you are depressed ,then you play harmonica for a couple of hours ,you would relieve all your saddness,it provides an outlet instead of shedding tears or, for instance, to eat or drink as much as a gold fish.